augustine editorial

Fiction - $0.018 per word
Nonfiction - $0.023 per word

Developmental edit ✨

This phase of editing evaluates a story’s readiness for readers. It assesses key marketing aspects of a manuscript, such as target readers, age-category, themes/tropes/tags, and genre expectations.

It also seeks to resolve issues with “big picture” story elements: plot, dialog/action, character development, world-building, POV, and other macro elements that affect the reading experience. This type of edit does not typically address sentence-level errors such as punctuation and grammar typos.

Please note: You will receive an annotated copy of your manuscript alongside a detailed editorial letter, which highlights the struggles/shines of your story.

The Root Abyss
Fiction - $0.015 per word
Nonfiction - $0.020 PER WORD

copyediting ✨

This phase of editing typically follows a developmental and/or line edit and evaluates a story for sentence-level errors. It makes minor corrections on common issues like awkward sentences, word choice/unclear wording, grammar, punctuation, spelling, repetition, tone, and readability.

Please note: You will receive an annotated copy of your manuscript. No editorial letter is included. Your copy edited story will still need a proofread. Writers who return for a proofread receive a 5% loyalty discount.

Fiction - $0.013 per word
Nonfiction - $0.017 per word

Proofreading ✨

This is the final phase of editing, and it ensures the story is ready for publication. A proofread is a close examination of the text (often a proof copy of the printed story) that removes surface errors. These primarily consistent of formatting issues, but also include spelling, grammar/punctuation, accessibility, and interior layout consistency. You should only get a proofread after the manuscript has undergone a developmental edit and a copyedit.

Please note: You’ll receive either a digital annotated copy of your story OR, if requested, a physical annotated copy of your story with notes/suggestions. No editorial letter is included. If your story was copy edited by me, make a note of it when booking and you’ll receive 5% off this proofread service.

Alpha - $0.018 per word
Omega - $0.015 per word

Rogue Wolf Bundle ✨

Are you an indie author? Do you plan to self-publish? The Rogue Wolf is a multi-pass bundle with two options to help you prepare for publication:

(1) Alpha – includes a developmental edit (first pass), a copyedit (second pass), and a 30 minute Fiction Therapy coaching session. One editorial letter. 6 months of email support to ask questions & discuss feedback.

(2) Omega – includes a copyedit (first pass) and a proofread (second pass). No editorial letter. 3 months of email support to ask questions.

25,000 - 50,000 words - $275
50,000 - 75,000 words: $375
75,000 - 100,000 words - $475

Sensitivity read ✨

Sensitivity readings are beneficial when you’re venturing beyond your expertise or personal experience, seeking an informed perspective, or aiming for authenticity in your writing.

Topics I read for: (1) Generalized Anxiety Disorder & Complex PTSD (trauma, emotional dysregulation) (2) long-term foster care & institutionalization (3) generational parental alcohol & substance abuse (4) PCOs & hysterectomy (5) fear of bees (melissophobia) and wasps (Spheksophobia) (6) CBT, exposure therapy, desensitization therapy, EMDR (7) Stan culture (The Rose, Xiao Zhan, BTS, Kdrama/Cdrama/Jdrama)  & gaming culture (8)1990s to early 2000s life and technologies (9) studied Japanese language, culture, and lore

Flat Fee: $250 up to 99,000 words

Beta read ✨

Is your story nearing publication? Has it been edited and polished? Do you need feedback from readers who represent your target audience? And need it all within a short amount of time? Then a beta read might be for you!

A beta reader doesn’t edit your story the way an editor would; instead, they offer feedback purely from the reader perspective. This helps writers better understand how readers engage with their stories—and where their book marketing shines or struggles. Other benefits of a beta read: you’ll always get feedback before your deadline and you never have to worry about bias or writer critiques when you really need a reader’s eye.

Add On to any edit - $75.00
Standalone - $240

Story Style Sheet ✨

A style sheet is a record of preferences. It makes note of intentional stylistic choices a writer has made when it comes to their story and its unique world. These choices can include: timelines, dialog dialect, cultural reference glossary, deliberate punctuation/grammar deviations, non-standard spellings, etc.

Please note: You will receive a highly organized and customized style document of approximately 5-10 pages. The standalone service requires a read-through of the story in order to make the document. It will not include an annotated copy of the manuscript or editorial letter.

$20-25 per hour (Varies by task)
10 hours/wk = $200/wk - $250/wk
*Easy booking per project/hour needs!

Author Assistant ✨

Ever wish you had a sidekick to help you take the publishing world by storm? Ready to indie or self-publish, but feel overwhelmed and intimidated by all the hats you’ll have to wear: marketing, social media, editing, emails/newsletters, mailing swag, planning local book events & author appearances, etc. It’s a lot to learn and juggle in a short amount of time.

If only you had an affordable virtual assistant gremlin to be your fearless ride or die sidekick…and soon, you can!

Please note: Extremely limited bookings available for this service. Please message as soon as possible to secure yours!



Sometimes feedback just doesn’t cut it. You need a brainstorming buddy, a cheerleader full of encouragement, accountability, a space to feel your feelings or talk through ideas, or maybe you’re haunted by mind-boggling writing issues and questions. As your personal coach, I’ll help you nurture your creativity and gain confidence in your writing.

There are two types of sessions for you to choose from: one-off and ongoing.

Ongoing coaching sessions include: (1) Regular meetings that aim to keep you accountable to your writing goals, address creative obstacles, and deepen your understanding of storytelling from both a writer and reader perspective. After all, you’re writing for the reader in yourself, too! (2) Editing of scenes and chapters as the story unfolds. Though this feedback isn’t comprehensive or a replacement for full edits, it’s designed to challenge you and keep you writing through whatever fears or doubts you have.

One-off coaching sessions include: a couple meetings to work through issues with your writing projects or process, such as motivation, time management, creative burnout, doubts, plot or world holes, struggles to connect with main character, etc.

Please note: coaching sessions will include macro feedback on WIPs, but the focus is ultimately on the writing process rather than writing mechanics. Ongoing coaching sessions will include the ability to text, call, and email whenever you need to.

$50 PFH (per audio hour)
*Recorded Audio Narration only

Audio Narration✨

Let’s transport your readers from the pages to immersive story experiences. Budding audio narrator here, with a passion for stories too vivid to be contained in ink and paper. I’d love to help you breathe life into your stories , as if your characters are in the same room as your readers, saving the world by their side.

Because I’m new at audio narration in a professional capacity (though, I have years of spoken poetry, theater acting, singing, and public reading experiences), this service will only include the audio narration and/or voice acting audio in MP3 format. Types of audio narration I can do: audiobook narrations, short scene narrations, voice over for book trailers, in-character voice skits, etc.

Please note: This service will be coming soon. Extremely limited booking slots will be available. Email me at officialariaugustine(at)gmail(dot)com to get on the waitlist. Bookings will be determined by project. Audio samples will be available soon!


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